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Monday, May 30, 2011

wallpaper john cena

wallpaper john cena. 5 Responses to “John Cena”
  • 5 Responses to “John Cena”

  • JAT
    Apr 29, 04:03 PM
    I kinda miss OS8 with its theme capability. Of course, it was a dog. All of this would be moot with customization like that.

    wallpaper john cena. WWE: John Cena Wallpaper.
  • WWE: John Cena Wallpaper.

  • rhett7660
    Apr 21, 11:07 AM
    What additional value does this provide?

    I was thinking the same thing. What is the purpose and reasoning behind it? Maybe a little more insight.

    I don't see this ending well. See ratings for front page articles.

    I can see this going down in flames also especially in some of the other sections of the forums. IE PRSI and any thread LTD responds in! :)

    wallpaper john cena. John Cena Wallpapers
  • John Cena Wallpapers

  • fivepoint
    Mar 3, 09:33 PM
    Go Ohio! Crush the unions! Return to fiscal sanity. No more hiding behind a union... time to return to personal responsibility. Ohio today, Wisconsin tomorrow, who's next? Sweep the states clean, Tea Party!

    BTW, there is no 'RIGHT' to collective bargaining.
    Collective bargaining is a legislative privilege granted by friendly law makers in some localities which can be quickly and abruptly eliminated (as you've all just observed.)

    Public unions are idiotic. Imagine a private sector union where the union members themselves were able to contribute to the election and vote for the individual whom they'd be bargaining against. BRILLIANT! It's a conflict of interest - straight up.

    Interesting quote by Bill Gates recently: (http://www.gatesfoundation.org/foundationnotes/Pages/bill-gates-110302-ted-2011-line-up.aspx) (thanks for the help twice in one day, Billy boy!)

    I thought a long time about who I should invite to speak at the session I was asked to curate. I’m really excited about the speakers who are coming, because each of them is contributing to a revolution of one sort or another, fueled by knowledge and innovation. We’ve posted lots of content on Gates Notes related to these speakers and their topics, and eventually their talks will be available online too.

    Also, I’m giving my third TED talk in three years. (You can view my talk from 2010 on Energy & Innovating to Zero and from 2009 on Mosquitos, Malaria & Education.) This time, I wanted to share some of what I’ve been learning about state budgets. I got interested in them because states supply most of the money for public education in the United States. What I’ve been learning, though, is that states are under increasingly intense budget pressure, and not just because of the aftereffects of the economic recession, although that has made things worse.

    There are long-term problems with state budgets that a return to economic growth won’t solve. Health-care costs and pension obligations are projected to grow at rates that look to be completely unsustainable, unless something is done. But so far, many states aren’t doing much to deal with their fundamental problems. Instead they’re building budgets on tricks – selling off assets, creative accounting – and fictions, like assuming that pension fund investments will produce much higher gains than anyone should reasonably expect.

    Eventually they’ll have to make some hard decisions about priorities, and I’m worried that education will suffer, even more than it is suffering already because of budget cuts. The issues are complicated and obscured by the complexities of accounting, so most people don’t fully understand what’s going on. More people need to investigate their state’s budget and get involved in helping to make the right choices. My TED talk is sort of a call to action for citizens, taxpayers, parents, everyone.

    The Tea Party will be kicked out of office just as quickly as they were voted in. Hopefully a Democratic wave will come in 2012 and undo most of this crap.

    Hahaha, keep telling yourself that! http://www.gallup.com/poll/125066/State-States.aspx ;)

    wallpaper john cena. John Cena Wallpaper 14
  • John Cena Wallpaper 14

  • krestfallen
    Oct 17, 10:01 AM
    1. VHS had longer tapes, Betamax's tapes were smaller, so had difficulty coming out with larger capacity tapes. Faced with one system that's standard tapes could record 1 hour and one that could do 3 hours, most people chose the latter (VHS).

    2. Sony's tight grip on the Betamax format kept prices high and innovation low. VHS decks were cheaper and made by more manufacturers, and hence consumers had more choice.

    3. The porn industry chose VHS.

    so it's kind of a mixture here.
    1. more capacity -> blu-ray
    2. lower price -> hd-dvd
    3. porn industry choses the cheapest format -> hd-dvd

    the big thing will be the players. blu-ray players had a bad start (frames were dropped, image quality wasn't that good, delays).

    it looks like blu-ray will have a hard fight.

    wallpaper john cena. WWE SummerSlam John Cena
  • WWE SummerSlam John Cena

  • Sydde
    May 5, 12:25 PM
    "Well regulated" even. Sounds like "regulations" to me. ;)

    Scholars have said that that phrase is equivalent to "well trained" in the context. Which means the constitution mandates firearm safety training for gun owners.

    wallpaper john cena. WWE Superstar John Cena with
  • WWE Superstar John Cena with

  • Lennholm
    Apr 16, 09:09 AM
    People talk about a so-called 'reality distortion field' about Steve Jobs and yet everyday we get people blatantly ignoring truth because it doesn't fit with their own personal world view.

    Yes, there were Palms, and Blackberries, Nokia's, Sony-Ericssons, and Panasonics etc before the iPhone but when we all saw the iPhone everyone instantly knew that was the future; touch-screen, icon based, intuitive, with an emphasis on both design and usability.

    You might not like the fact that Apple revolutionized the phone market but history says otherwise.

    No, when Apple revealed the iPhone most people were thinking something along the line of "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. The iPhone 3G was the real deal, ofcourse the first gen was successful, simply because it was Apple, but the 3G was when it turned into a good product and soared in popularity.
    And iPhone is far from the first icon based phone and I personally believe the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 was a big inspiration for iPhone.

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  • BadMoon
    Mar 17, 11:32 AM
    you forgot to bash the xoom

    Oh yes, that thing sucks. :cool:

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  • Download Wallpaper - John Cena

  • TequilaBoobs
    Nov 24, 08:56 PM
    LOL! Santa Rosa introduced on Tuesday... :D (just kidding!)

    my merom is now obsolete!! grr

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  • MorphingDragon
    May 4, 05:33 AM
    But yes, at least the ads are great and really work the "magic". The only problem is that you won't stay in Wonderland with your iPad, and in the real world, it's just a nice toy for a couple of minutes but not really good for anything.

    Thats what people said about the Kinect. Now look at what its doing when, especially when Academia got a hold of it. Just because you can't think of any uses doesn't make it a toy.

    wallpaper john cena. View more John Cena Wallpapers
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  • heehee
    Apr 25, 02:45 PM
    Well I don't know about you but if I saw someone beating the **** out of someone else while I'm working I would certainly get involved. And I would expect the same consideration from others.

    If your employed somewhere part of your job is keeping the peace.

    You expect employees who make minimum wage to break up a fight? They should call the cops, but for sure not break up a fight.

    wallpaper john cena. John Cena
  • John Cena

  • Timepass
    Aug 1, 04:26 PM
    I have always thought Apple would eventually open up it's DRM of their own free will. At this time, there is no serious competitor to the iPod/iTunes combo. Should serious competition arise, perhaps sometime Zune, the iPods inability to play music from other sources will be a competitive disadvantage.
    However, as a philosophical issue, I have a problem with any government interfering like this in a free market! Sometimes such interference is necessary to prevent harm to the public, but I don't see where this is the case with the iPod. It doesn't cause injury to the user, ( if you heed the volume warnings ), and there are alternatives. Those who don't like iPod/iTunes locking them in to one player are fully free to use the alternatives!]

    It is a fine line. But really apple is flirting with needing the goverment to step in. Goverment waits to long to do anything and the damage is permant and compition is hurt for years to come. A good example is M$ got nailed for it but that didnt change the fact that it made the software the domante force on the market and they didnt have to give up the market share they took.

    a completely free market is bad plan and simple. So is the other direction of the goverment controling everything. it has to be a balance bettween the 2. I am of the opinan that it is getting to the point in just DRM that it is getting close to the time where the goverment needs to step in and help clean up some of the mess before it gets out of hand and all they can do at most is damage control. Right now there is still time to prevent the damanage from happening. Apple got there market share power and now they are getting near to virtual monoploly standing in both the mp3 player market and online music store. Once you cross those lines and become a virtual monoploly in a market the rules change. No longer is using the power in one market to effect the other legal. (so Apple cannt use iTMS to effect ipod sales and ipod to effect iTMS sales as it does now.)

    I also like to point out as people say pull out of those country you have to rememeber that they are just the first countries to pass these laws and THEY WILL NOT BE THE LAST. So should apple pull out of every country that pass those laws. Some how I think that is stupid idea. I expect in the next few years to see all of the EU have laws forcing open DRM and now you are talking about a large enough market that it really will effect the bottom line. And at some point the US is going to pass laws forcing open DRM. Now think about it. Apple can burn there bridges now or releliez this is where the market is heading weather they like it or not. Now either move now and deal or pay the price in permate damage down the road.

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  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 20, 05:19 PM
    Forget about paying dividends; people are making enough money on Apple stock. Apple needs to think about how to turn its $10 billion in cash into $50 billion in cash. And the way to do that is to grow. Buy up companies!!!

    Success in not necessarily about accumulating cash. Far from it, in fact. A company that sits on huge piles of cash and does nothing with it, is not seen as managing their capital resources well. Many if not most financial analysts would argue that if the company is not investing their cash in future growth (and Apple decidedly is not), then they should give at least some of it back to the stockholders.

    In addition to what I said above, dividends are a signal from the company that they're feeling secure about the future. Dividends, even token dividends, are a sign of maturity and stability. Hoarding cash is not.

    wallpaper john cena. John Cena Wallpaper (112)
  • John Cena Wallpaper (112)

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 29, 05:35 PM
    The iOS slider does not make any sense when quickly looking at options on screen. One has to click-drag-release for the slider function to work, not a hugh problem on iOS since its on a small screen.

    Considering that Mac OS is not touch based, makes additional steps to accomplish the same task and is less intuitive.

    You didn't have to click-drag. Just click your option, exactly as before. (Same as iOS, you don't have to drag the slider, you can press on your option.)

    Although, the design of the slider made it look like you had to do this, which is probably why they changed it.

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  • orangerizzla
    Apr 6, 10:42 AM
    Any chance we could have a App to showcase all the best Flash Banner adverts?

    Oh no, hang on a minute... ;-)

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  • john cena wallpaper.

  • dmr727
    Jan 15, 01:17 PM
    I liked it. I was happy with the update to the AppleTV - I think I'll finally get off the fence and buy one. The Capsule seems interesting. The MBA is outside of what I want to spend, but it's pretty awesome nonetheless.

    It would have been nice to see updated specs on the Mini and other notebooks, but hey, you can't have everything! :)

    wallpaper john cena. WWE RAW Batista John Cena
  • WWE RAW Batista John Cena

  • DFDureiko
    Oct 18, 09:10 AM
    Being a die hard Apple/Mac guy, it killed me when Apple went to ATT, as I was Verizon and really liked their service. a week and a half ago, my phone failed, one of our lines was out of contract, so I finally got a 3GS 16gig. it's so amazing (to me, i'm new:) that I guess I'll stick with it, most of the time I'm in the country (rural CT and FL) and have had no dropped calls. From this thread I'm guessing dropped calls are a problem in metropolitan areas?
    If I could have had some clear answer from Verizon, even a "maybe by midsummer" I'd have kept patiently waiting. But all the Verizon reps, both stores and call center, said "I've heard NOTHING of us getting an iPhone"
    Just my luck if it comes out in March, and I'm locked into ATT:)
    One other thing I find strange seeing that ATT and Verizon are the two largest cell company's in the US, is why still, There is no ATT coverage in the western states (ie Montana, Wyoming etc) only Verizon? any idea why ATT is not expanding out there after all these years?

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  • NebulaClash
    Dec 13, 03:01 PM
    ^ this.

    Right. One of the problems people have when they try to predict what Apple might do is they assume the past = the future. "Oh, Apple only does yearly updates, so this rumor is impossible." Well, Apple does what it does . . . until it doesn't. They don't do books, but now they do. They don't do movies, but now they do, etc.

    Apple is not a MacRumors poster stubbornly sticking to the only thing they know. Apple changes as market conditions change. If they think they can increase profitability and market share by making semi-yearly phone updates, they are going to switch to semi-yearly phone updates. Simple as that.

    So a Q1 2011 Verizon phone is quite possible.

    wallpaper john cena. Send eCard - john cena
  • Send eCard - john cena

  • Northgrove
    Apr 29, 01:41 PM
    Yes! Now analyze this build and post an article about it for me, minions! :D

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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 01:50 PM
    Very nice of you. Much appreciated. It so rarely happens here.

    I really never meant to come across as having any sort of problem with or thinking anything less of transgendered people.... But I can understand how Mord would get that impression given some of the previous posts in the thread...

    Jan 5, 08:32 AM
    And why does no iPhone on Jan 4th mean nothing for the rest of 2011??

    Indeed. THe rumors were everything from Dec 27, 2010 to when pigs fly. It is not like Apple said they would tell us something by today.

    That said, I don't see it happening. Frankly I don't see Apple building a CDMA phone series. Just makes things messy. Now when LTE is mature enough that 90+% folks never have to use a CDMA fallback and the rest rarely do, maybe. When someone comes up with a GSM/CDMA/LTE tri chip that doesn't cost a small fortune, eat up battery by lunch time etc, maybe. But I really think that in terms of 2011 all this CDMA jobs etc is about the ipad, not the iphone.

    Apr 21, 10:38 AM
    Can we use this in the future to vote people off the island? :D

    Jan 5, 02:19 PM

    We'll update that page. It's linked to this thread.


    Apr 6, 10:42 AM
    Any chance we could have a App to showcase all the best Flash Banner adverts?

    Oh no, hang on a minute... ;-)

    Nov 23, 05:44 PM
    Think Secret (http://notes.thinksecret.com/secretnotes/0611blackfridaynote.shtml) appears to disagree, but I'm sure they just made it up :rolleyes:

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